So I did the math… I gained 30 pounds in the last year. On a purely mathematical basis, that's 105,000 calories more than what my body needed. Wow! That's a lot. But when you do the math, that comes out to 287 extra calories per day. Seems small and innocent enough, right? That cup of ice cream or candy bar or bowl of chips doesn't seem so innocent now. Don't get me wrong. I don't believe in complete deprivation (obviously right seriously?) :) Deprivation leads to overindulgence, shame, deprivation, overindulgence,'s a vicious cycle. I do however believe in moderation. I did not exercise moderation in my consumption of sweets, nor did I exercise my body as I should. Hence the 30 pound gain. For me, it's easier to focus on exercise than diet (what I eat.) However the saying that "you can't out train a bad diet" is so true. I can consume 300 calories in a minute (candy bar) but it can take an hour to walk it off at 3.5mph. Something to think about. Happy Monday!