
Tomorrow starts the beginning.  I have weighted and measured myself to mark my starting points.

I started reading Chris’s first book. Makes sense but feels over whelming. Not sure how I am going to make it work for me.

In the book, he says to say “I am an athlete.” I use to be, I want to be, but I sit here exhausted not knowing how I will be one again.

I rode on the bike path today for 7.5 miles with grandkids. It was slow going.

I have a Fit bit. My goal is set to 10,000 steps and over 2000 calories burned. They have been hard to reach and only have met them a few times. I don’t feel that the goals are unreasonable and that they are attainable. I am just too lazy to get it done.

I am now over 200 pounds again. I had promised myself that I would never see that number again. I know that I need to make permanent changes in my habits. I’m 58 years old and I’m going to run out of time. Just last week, a woman that I had worked with us died in her sleep at 59.