I was in extremely good shape right before my delightful (super thick sarcasm here) divorce back in 2007. I lost my husband, my home, my dog died, lost my job, and I was left with taking care of my beautiful young daughters, and scrapping by financially. I went through very EXTREME depression, taking to wine, snacks, and prescription medication to help dull the pain of the divorce. I packed on a whopping 60 pounds!

In 2012, things started to get better for me. I got a job, I started loving my new home, had a new dog, my girls were happy, and my friends were great supports to me. My ex husband got married in Sept 2012, so I decided it was then I had to get back to feeling and looking like myself again.


I started setting my alarm clock for 6am, and worked out first thing in the morning, so that way it was done, and there were no excuses. The weight started sloughing off after I told my body it was time. It got the hint! I lost a good 40 pounds in four months, and was looking AMAZING! I had more to go, but I thought it was time to get back in the saddle dating again. I loved myself, loved where I was at in my life, and knew I could be a good mate for someone. I was ready for someone to compliment my life. I bit the bullet, and went on an online dating site in May 2013. Two weeks into it, I met my boyfriend!


I am the luckiest girl in the world, and have found the man of my dreams. So, with all our dating, and fun times together, I put 30 of those dang pounds back on! HAPPY WEIGHT! He of course, is so supportive of me, and still loves me no matter what my size, but I don't feel good in my skin again. I had that wonderful taste of fitting into my clothes again, not dodging cameras, running half marathons again, and kicking butt! I want that feeling again, and then some. So, here I am, trying to get the full 60 back off again. Come on ME! I joined both DietBet4, and DietBet10. Good luck to everyone else! I'm not in it for the money, the money is a bonus. The true award for me is to be happy, healthy, and rocking an awesome new body.