My first dietbet ever has not gotten off to a great start. Last week I spent the entire week in the hosptial while they tried to run tests to figure out why I have a pain in my lower right side abdomin. No worries - its not appendicitis, but this last week has been incredibly frustrating because I have had NO control over my diet or exercise. On wednesday I wasn't able to eat all day long because I had to fast for an endoscopy - which was supposed to be at 8 AM, but I had to get admitted to the hospital because they had to monitor my anesthesia very closely since Im extremely allergic. They didn't know when the new endoscopy was going to be so they didn't allow me to eat. Turns out my new endoscopy wasn't until 6 PM and afterwards the doctor STILL wouldnt let me eat. At 8 PM he finally came in and said I could eat, but of course at that time the only things which was the corner store across the street from the hospital. My sweet husband tried to keep me healthy-ish - by buying the only two apples avalaible. But I did end up eating two candy bars too because I was SO hungry. I regret eating that, but oh well.

This week I plan on monitoring my diet extremely closely and exercising a lot. Yesterday I ran 3 K in 30 minutes and did 20 minutes on the rowing machine and 20 minutes on the stationary bike. I'm  hoping for a similar work out today after my doctors appointment.

My biggest struggle is yet to come though - after all of my tests came back negative I was told I was going to have to fly back to the states to remove my birth control I have in my arm because most likely it is causing my pain. I currently am an expat in Poland, and as excited as I am to fly home - it means that I'm going to be home for a longer period of time. The last time I came home I had just lost 10 pounds, but then gained it all back and then some because going home equals eating out, not working out, and lots of distractions. I cannot let that happen to me this time. I am already taking measures to ensure that I am successful when I go home. I'm planning on joining a gym for 3 months, making sure I stick to my 5 work outs a week while my friends are at work. I will go out - but I will montior closely what I eat and drink. I'm also signed up for a 5K run and we have a ski vacation planned.

I'm most worried about Monday when I am flying and wont have a chance to excerise or have control of what I eat. Im going to ask my doctor today to prescribe me some ambien so maybe I can fall asleep when the flight starts and it will keep me from eating the junk they serve during the meal times. I'm being realistic - I won't be working out at all on Monday, but I plan on getting an extra workout on Sunday to make up for it.

So here is to hoping that going home won't be the catastrophy it was last time. Only time will tell!