This is my first DietBet and I am very excited!  I have been over weight all of my life. I am a yo-yo dieter and a stress eater. I have Finally realize that eating healthy is a lifestyle change. 2 years ago I was diligently going to the gym and eating healthy and reduced my weight by 30 pounds and was feeling good about myself, but developed daily migraines that caused me to miss more and more workouts until it became a good excuse not to go. Then my job was phased out and I had to change employers. Depression set in and I started packing the pounds back on and now I have gained 46 pounds since I stopped going to the gym. 

My goal at 51 years of age is to become healthy and lose enough weight to feel better and possibly get off some of my medications. Maybe even encourage others in the process.

i had a first good day of my first challenge. Stayed within my calorie range, and got some exercise in too!


Hope you follow my journey,
