Okay so here's the thing,

I am really really really good at starting stuff....

I am also really really really bad at finishing the same things that I start that I find challenging, or I find an excuse as to why I simply cannot finish it....

So, it is time to start trying,

I started on Tuesday with a workout video... yes, I started... and yes like always as I found it challenging, I did not finish it, but I tried...

Yesterday I work up early with the intentions to workout again in the morning, yes, I got up, got dressed, put the workout video in and did the warm up... ONLY the warm up... then I went  and cleaned up the kitchen made lunches and leisurely got ready for the day... yes, like always I did not complete the video.

Today I tried something different. My daughter and I were doing our errands and I thought, why don't her and I go do somethinga active together. I am a single mom and I constantly battle the demon on wanting to take care of myself, but not wanting to take time away from my daughter (she is 7) and not truly being able to afford the additional cost of childcare or for a gym pass.... so today, I put on my workout clothes and decided it was time to start trying... 

not like the trying I had done earlier this week, or the trying that I have done in the past where I start and then quit or never finish... today I decided I am serious about getting healthy, PERIOD!

I am starting small, so as not to get overwhelmed and I downloaded a learn to run ap on my phone. 

Here goes: 5 min warm up walk, my daughter riding her scooter beside me encouraging me

walk a minute, run the next minute, etc etc... and my daughter riding her scooter beside me the entire time beaming and saying way to go mom

guess what? I finished it! The entire learn to run session! (yes it is only 1/2 hr, but it's a start and THAT is what counts!)

Time to start trying, I mean really trying, not starting and giving up like I always do... that isn't going to be me anymore....

Time to stop making excuses... my daughter was with me, so I wasn't taking time away from her, and we were outside so it wasn't costing me any money either....

Yup this will work... and I have the added bonus of being encouraged by my daughter and watching her glow as I accomplish my goal, just 1 day at a time....

Time to start trying...

what are you waiting for?