Starting this Diet Bet feels like a party! After my 3rd & last child was born in February 2014, I was excited to lose the baby weight for good! I started strong & got within 7 lbs. of pre-baby weight...& then summer hit, & I STALLED & my motivation dwindled. Diet Bet has rekindled my motivation! I would like to lose around 20 - 25 lbs. altogether, & have thought a lot about the WHY this time. My WHY for losing these lbs:

1) ENERGY - my energy gets sapped by the demands of my wonderful family. Eating too much, drinking too much coffee, & drinking alcohol too often makes it worse. I need to TIGHTEN UP the diet! I enjoy eating healthy, & need to tap back into a portion-control mindset so that I can have energy for my husband & children, & for myself. Energy is the base for everything, & it's my biggest reason for losing.

2) A closet full of CLOTHES that need to be worn! I like my clothes. I see them in my closet every day, but can't wear them because they are all just a little too tight. I really would like to wear my nice, fun clothes again.

3) CONFIDENCE. This goes along with 2. It's hard to feel confident with nothing to wear that makes me feel good. But more importantly I need confidence (& energy) to give of myself to others. I love people, & have a lot to offer. Being stuck in a rut with my head hanging low is selfish & does no one any good.

4) Trip to COSTA RICA. This is coming up at the end of February 2015, & there is nothing more motivating that putting on a swimsuit!

5) The sheer ACCOMPLISHMENT of succeeding. I CAN & I WILL!!! Enough ruminating over losing the weight for's time to put on my big girl panties & DO IT!


I am committed to giving this my BEST! I am happy to do it simply, without some big program, alongside others. Best wishes to you all!

<3 Jodi