Well today was it. No more "well I'll start next monday" or "the first of the month is a better time to start" or "I'll start after the holidays". I finally realized that there is no perfect time to start a new workout plan or start eating healthier. The best time to start is right now!

I have started and stopped workout and healthy eating plans so many times that I have lost count. I am tired of starting over, because everytime I do, I have a little bit more weight to loose. Right now I am at my heaviest since giving birth to my soon to be 5 year old. After I had her I went through a tough break-up with her father and had to get my confidence back. I worked out twice a day and ate well and was able to lose 50lbs in 9 months.

I am in a much happier place now. In a relationship that is going into its 6th year. Our happy combined family of 7 keeps me incredibly busy. I think because I am so settled now, I don't focus on myself as much as I should. It has been tough to always make the best food choices when you're feeding 5 kids who would rather eat hot dogs than salad. But, I realize I need to lead by example and be healthy for them.

Today I woke up and found I was excited about this challenge in front of me. Determined to do it right and end it feeling great and very accomplished. This morning before taking my youngest daughter to preschool we popped in a kids workout dvd and did it together. It did get me sweating and I think it was a great way to get back into exercising.

After dropping her at school I went for a 4 mile jog. I am happy to be starting off strong and hope to keep my momentum going throughout this experience. Good luck everyone! I'm so happy to have a place to come for motivation and support :-)