This is my first Dietbet. I am hoping community and money motivate me more than self-assurances have in the past. I tend to be rather competitive and stingy, so I think I found the right place. I had a kid a year and a half ago, and am a full time engineering student right now. I haven't made time for myself or my health in these recent months and am feeling more tired, sluggish, fat, and underconfident than I have in awhile. I would eventually like to see my abs and run a 10K or even half marathon. I was solid athlete when I was a freshman and sophomore in high school (6-7 years ago), and would like to feel as capable again... even more!

Height: 5' 3"

Age: 22

Start Weight (SW): 132

Current Weight (CW): 132

Goal by end of week 4 (GW1): 126

Ultimate Goal Weigt (UGW): 105


A healthy weight range for my height according to BMI is 104 - 140. I have been as low as 95 at the peak of my athleticism, and looked and felt very healthy. Blood tests confirmed. For this reason, I believe 105 will not be too thin on me. 


I'll post a picture tomorrow.