
The majority of my life has consisted of the inability to maintain my weight. While often I only had myself to blame (yo-yo dieting is not uncommon for me), two years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, which significantly disturbs your digestive tract. During my multiple flares and remissions, I "yo-yo'ed" in a new way by losing weight due to illness and the inability to eat, but also putting it back on due to medication side effects and re-discovering the joys of food. With IBD, your relationship with food and physical activity can often become a mixture of chaotic and exhausting to say the least. I am currently in my longest remission so far and I am determined to create healthy habits to make sure that it stays that way.

My current weight is 194lbs. My overall average adult weight has been between 165 and 170lbs. My overall goal is to get back in my average weight range and to actively learn to MAINTAIN that weight.

I enjoy challenging myself in new ways and this summer I put myself back on track to being more physically active again by successfully training for my first 5k fun run via the Couch-to-5k program. In between trainings, I tried out my local gym's personal training program to build more strength. I learned that one-on-one training is just not for me, but I'm glad I tried. Currently I am participating in a local A.M. bootcamp 2-3 times per week and I love it! It's challenging me in new ways every day and giving me the energy and push I need to get back into complete shape.

I have practiced clean eating over the last few years and I am perfectly capable of living within that "diet"...however I do need to learn to change my attitutde towards food to help with portion control and living in Chicago where we have a great reputation for amazing food!

This is my first time joining Dietbet and my goal is to lose 4% which would equate to 7.76lbs. lost. With this challenge, I hope to find more motivation and incentive to continue improving my health and establishing routine, healthy habits. I thrive best in community settings and this place seems just right for me. Looking forward to faving fun with it and seeing positive results from myself and everyone else in the challenge! :)

