Just some thoughts so far. Meanderings of a hungry, tired momma.

*I really want pizza. 

     -and breadsticks.

*I really want hot chocolate. 

*I really want a nap.  

*I wish I had a personal chef. 

      -and a nanny, but, just for a couple hours a day or so. 

          •scratch that, I'd settle for just a housekeeper 

*Who invented Legos? I both love them, and hate them. 

*Why does Panera have to make such good fooooood?! All I want is a grilled cheese and tomato soup on this cold and crappy day, but I don't feel like using all my calories up in one sitting. But goodness, their fontina grilled cheese is good. 

*Whatever happened to that Adkins guy? How was his cholesterol? A meat and cheese diet sounds phenomenal.


Aaaanyway. We'll see how I feel after lunch. Which, will NOT consist solely of meat and cheese, pizza, breadsticks, hot chocolate, or Panera. 

Le sigh. 




So, update:

Remember how I so wanted hot chocolate, like, an hour ago?

Well, my ex just came to pick up our kiddo, and he brought me (non other than) a hot chocolate from Tim Horton's. Which, I swear I did not ask for! Lol. I'm just getting over being sick and he brought it to me because he knows hot chocolate is my drink of choice when I'm sick (why he wasn't this nice when we were married, I'll never know. Ah well. We get along better now, and it's definitely better for our son this way. Light at the end of the tunnel, maybe. Aaaanyway, I digress). So! Here I am with this eight thousand calorie drink, which I'm drinking. BUT- I'm being sensible about it. Which is always where my problems lie. It's generally not that I make the worst food choices, it's that I eat enough for everybody and their brother while I'm at it. Like, almonds. Healthy fat, good for you in moderation.... Yeah, not when you eat the whole can. Hummus? Great for you. Not when you eat the whole container. Greek yogurt? Same thing. You get the picture. So, like I was saying, here I am with this eight thousand calorie drink (but, for real, chill though because it's really 300 in actuality). I've already logged it in MFP. I've taken a few sips, and now it's in the fridge. I'll keep sipping on it throughout the day, but mark my words, I'm not going to chug it and forget that I've just consumed a sugar filled drink five minutes later. Because, I'm reallllly good at that. So. Anyway. Now, off to find something  less chocolaty for lunch!