Having a bad morning already or just want to start your day off with a funny story?? Here goes:


Woke up when my first alarm went off (5:15 am) this morning and thought YES!, I'm going to get to work out longer this morning, it's going to be a great morning...yea, no.

Stopped at 711 for gas and 1% milk (thought we had some in the house), and my normal 711 was out so I went to the next one on my way to the gym. They had milk, but I didn't realize it was whole milk until I drove away and thought "this tastes different and gross". I also got this Muscle Milk Protein Smoothie Shake thing and I was like cool, this will be perfect for afterwards. I go to a third 711 (this is all before 6:00 am)...THEY ARE OUT TOO, but they at least had a quart size, so I was like whatever, I'll dump out the whole milk and just pour the 1% into the little bottle I had. Great, had my shake, worked out hard, it was awesome. After that, I then went to drink the Muscle Milk thing, got about halfway through and looked at the expiration date...SELL BY AUGUST 27, 2014.....THAT WAS 3 MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!!!, so I of course throw it out and am ready to just say screw today, I'm going back home and not waking up until tomorrow. But in the mean time, I had to listen to these two girls conversation in the locker room while I got ready for work. First, I really don't care who is taking your kids to the bus stop so you can eat breakfast with your friend, secondly, YOU ARE NOT AT HOME! Please stop YELLING and carrying on a conversation in the locker room where there are lots of other people around trying to get ready for work while you play around with your friend, taking all the outlets, acting like you're the only two in there. ‪#‎gympetpeeves‬. Whatever, so I stopped at Chickfila for some mini's and chocolate milk to make myself feel better (awesome choice after you work out, btw.)

As I type this, I laugh at my hysterical yet crazy morning and a think, "well, I'm alive and it really could have been worse...."

Happy Thursday...