I am pretty happy with today's weigh in!


I feel like I did a good job this week and I have every intention of keeping it up for week 2. Thanksgiving happens this week... THREE TIMES... Daycare,  Lemke, and TC


I recently read a blog about how to handle Thanksgiving (while trying to lose weight). Most of the points seemed obvisous but to someone who is watching what they eat those points are key:

- Get in excercise that day (I will go to the gym 2 of the 3 days and play football the 3rd)

- Only eat what you want (dont eat things just to 'be nice' to the person who made them)

- Bring something healthy (I am searching Pinterest to pick the perfect dishes to share)

- Drink Water (easy for me!)

- Let Thanksgiving be only one day (This one is tricky since I have 3 Thanksgiving days, but what it means is dont take leftovers home and continue eathing them for a week. I will do my best to follow this one!)


So bring it on week two... I have a game plan and I plan to stick to it!!!