pardon the typos and lack of punctuation. it's faster if i forget about punctuation.

I've been working on remaining aware of things I'm grateful for. It all started in the preivous DietBet when host Shaun T challenged us to report somethign we're thankful for each day. Of course i started with the obvious - my health, my family and friends (DB friends included), my house and job, etc. - but I found myself struggling a littl more than i wouldve liked. I have so much to be thankful for, i know it, but why do i have to think so hard about it. probably bc i've been taking it all for granted. so i decided to think more on it, on a regular basis. so here goes....


I'm thankful:

for the rain we're getting right now in California. We need it so badly!

i can afford shoes. and i can afford to buy workout shoes as often as i do!

for aleve. it gets me thru the day a lot, given my muscles are always sore and my knees kill!

my puppy's spay operation went well yesterday

for the internet. its where i find my healthy recipes, where i go for support on my healthy living (DB), how i keep in contact with my mom and stepdad who have sinced moved across the country (and whom i miss dearly!!), how i am doing all of my cristmas shopping, is a source of great laughter (and sometimes frustration) and is overall just an incredible thing that, although i dont really understand how it works, i have a great appreciate for it!

that "I always have more than enough of everything i need" (favorite mantra)

(if i may be a litte vain): that my mom and dad gave me beautiful skin, long legs, blonde hair and blue eyes, normal sized ears, a great sense of humor, great hand-eye coordiantion, strong bones, healthy lungs and heart, and a freakin awesome brain!


I'll continue working on adding to this list, be it on paper or merely in my head. I hope this reminds you to take a moment each day to pause and think of what youre grateful for. It truly feels great