From all of my posts I am sure you can tell that I love to dance. I have been in dance groups since I was five. I have tried treadmills before, but it caused alot of pain on my knees. I like dancing because I can exercise while not realizing that I am exercising and just having fun.  I never realized that dancing is really total body workout with an unlimited amount of movements.  I know all this pain is worth seeing the pounds shed day by day. 

I am thinking of doing a juicing fast which I used to all the time with my mother when I was younger. We would drink wheatgrass and a glass of green juice every morning. I completely stopped doing that and forgot about all the benefits that it had. I have a juicer that has been collecting dust and I really need to make use of it. I also have a week off for vacation which I was supposed to take a cruise, but something happened with my traveling companion. So I think the 14th through the 20th would be a perfect time to implement some juicing and prevent hitting a plateau.