Did I mention I'm 48? I weigh over 250 pounds and I am just now deciding I want to have the word athlete after my name. I will wear the title as a Doctor or a Lawer would and I would probably be more proud than any of them to have this title. I have been undescribably miserable, I quit every diet I ever start and once again... I am throwing myself back into the ring. Most people look at fatties as lazy slothlike individuals but if any of you are like me, we are strong bad ass bitc$es because who else would get the courage month after month to retry and throw ourselves (wholeheartedly) into something we are not very good at?

Day one of my diet bet was not really day one, it was probably day 3000 with a few breaks in between. I get motivated, treat my body like a machine, work out, eat right and quit, thats my routine and I want to break it. I work at the local cop shop now and I am hoping that this will be the one thing that changes me, we have in our contract a wellness policy that allows us to work out at work, I can actually take a full hour and dedicate it to myself and get paid. We are the only police department in our area that has the policy and we have the most fit team I have ever seen.

I am 48 and for the first time, I picked up a jumprope since the age of 12, I jumped single jumps about 10 times and that was enough for me, I will keep trying until I become a pro. My goal by December is to at least be able to complete 1 WOD for crossfit without the need for modification, then, finally, I will be able to wear the title of ATHLETE and never look back!

Yesterday work out:

2.5 miles on the elyptical and .5 on the treadmill in 30 minutes, not to forget my 10 jumps with the rope :)

tune in for my progress, I promise not to quit this time.