I've been fat. I've been skinny. I've been fat again. I've been average. Now I'm fat again. Why can't I have a metabolism like my husband?!

I put on the freshman 15, but I wasn't in college. I was working and partying a lot. I got up to 140 ish on my 5'3" frame - not good! So I lost a bunch and eventually grew tired of the party lifestyle, so I traded that in for calorie counting and exercise - a new addiction. I got down to 105. I was very proud with what I was doing! I was perfect - so I thought! Cut like a woman in a Fitness Magazine! Then 1 bad romance and I was off the wagon. Eating & drinking my life away again to fill a void. I went to get measured for a bridesmaid's dress for my brother's wedding, and I went from being a size 2 in the beginning of 2007 to a size 12 by the end of the year! I had literally gained about 40lbs in 1 year! AHHHH!! I was mortified! The wedding was 8 months away so I HAD TO lose that weight! I got down to a size 6 by August 2009. Back to normal at about 128 pounds but still heavy for my frame.

I was active but still heavy. I ran my first half marathon in 2009 and gained a few more pounds due to being injured and lackadaisical. I was back up to almost 140. How could this happen AGAIN? First time I can chalk up to an accident. Another big gain - totally my fault! UGH!

So now I'm with my husband of 5 years now, and he helped motivate me to get rid of some of that weight. I lost about 10 pounds early 2010 and was 129 when I got pregnant. I gained about 30, lost about 40, so I hung out around 120 for the last 3 years...a healthy size 6.  Slowly the weight has crept back up, plus I was never exactly where I wanted to be after pregnancy. My weight was fine for a while, but my body still wasn't toned properly. And I studied to be a personal trainer. I know what to do - I just need to do it!!

So DietBet has me back in action! I'm going to take control again and get my confidence back! I love the support of this site and I hope to reach my goal and then some! Best of luck to everyone in their goals!!