Getting lean in 2015 is achievable... if you make a success plan that is right for you. Which diet plan is the right one for YOU? The one that you can stick to.

If you can't stick to a diet, it won't work. Pretty simple, yet oh so hard to figure out the puzzle. 

We'll be discussing lots of different diet plans in the daily diet tips to come -- and we invite you to share your experiences, tips and views on this site. Let's start with the most basic diet plan that we all know and love to hate:

imgres-7Calories in, Calories out; Calculating your Calorie Budget

Everyone has a calorie budget, whether you're trying to maintain your weight or lose a few pounds. Just like your fiscal budget, ignore your calorie budget at your own peril.

Most people prefer to ignore this simple fact.imgres-8

Wanna know how many calories you should be eating? I’ve found this fun, quick calculator (courtesy of the great diet site, FitWatch!) gives a pretty accurate read on how many you will use each day, without doing any extra exercise AND also calculate how many you should be eating to lose weight. Pretty cool!

Diet Tip of the Day: I found from experience that if I set the calculator to “sedentary” instead of “lightly active”  (my actual typical lifestyle) that I lost weight, but if I correctly put in “lightly active,” that I remained frustrated by working super hard to track and stay  “on my calorie budget,” with no reward for all my work. One click to the other setting and I found sweet success at a much lower size!

The thing is, everyone is different. We all have a different mix of body chemistryimages-10– which means that in the end, every one of us has a different journey in weight management. Tips from people who were successful really helps, but in the end, for most of us, it WILL be hard and although every plan works for someone, you may have to tweak the diet plan you choose so that it works for YOU.

3745906152_success_xlargeA famous adage says “you get what you measure.”

Join me in measuring your weight today, deciding on trying a plan that you want to try for YOU, and joining our supportive diet group, here:



Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Daily Diet Tip, courtesy of, or add your own tip in comments!

What's YOUR diet plan to get lean in 2015?