About 2.5 years ago, in Nov. of 2012, my husband and I moved to Germany due to him being in the Army. We got engaged in June, married in July (while he was in training and I had to be away from him except those special days), he came home for two weeks in August, and then left for Germany. I had to wait 4 months before going. At that time, I was in the best shape of my life, only gaining 5 lbs from my lowest weight, but I managed to stay the same weight for a whole year. I felt so good, everything was going so great in my life, I cant even put into words how wonderful it all was. After my husband left, I started gaining some here or there, but nothing to be worried about. I went to Germany in November, and it all went downhill.

Its like from the time I got here I was gaining weight. I know why I gained all the weight though, I couldnt drive at the time over here, I didnt know anyone, I cant really go many places, I wasnt working (I worked at a kennel in the States and was constantly moving), and the sedentary lifestyle had sunken in. That all still holds true to this day. Its not that Im lazy, you try driving a stick shift on the crazy autobahn with very aggressive German drivers and then tell me your anxiety doesnt shoot through the roof hahah. Anyway, Ive finally admitted I became depressed and had anxiety issues. These were causing my binge eating to be out of control. The binge eating is a disorder, but I can not let it control my life anymore. It has caused me to gain about 70 lbs and my happiness. Im not my old self, I hate going anywhere because of the way I look, hell....my clothes dont even fit! I refuse to buy size whatever clothes because I dont want to be that size! And we dont have much money. This has ruined my experiences in Germany, because I feel like I would love to go out and do so much more.

After seeing Grace post this challenge on Instagram, I knew this was it. Its time. I am hoping that this will be enough motiviation to get the ball rolling. I have lived in gloom for the past 2 years. I have my best friends wedding coming up in July. No one has seen me in over a year, and I dont want them to remember the skinny Francesca and then be surprised when they see the new one. Im ready!