Tomorrow is past. Every day is a new day.

I've spent too many days, months, years on the fat lane and just as many promising a thinner tomorrw. That is in the past.

Today is a new day. Worked out extra hard yesterday? Awesome. Gave in to McDonalds last night? Oh well. Today, work out for today.

Regardless of how "well" or "badly" you did yesterday or how "well" you intend tomorrow to be, do what feels right today. Don't carry any excuses from yesterday and don't make any promises for tomorrow.

Taking a 30 minute walk? Have fun. Want to fit in 3 miles on the treadmill? Fantastic. Don't want to work out? Work out, you can do it! Can't work out? Take care of yourself. Do what is right for you today. When you say you were "good" today, mean that you were good to yourself.

Be proud of your day. Love yourself today.

-Progress is best met through kidness. Be kind to yourself.