Hi I'm Kayla...I'm the blonde in the photo...and I am a third year student for Creative and Professional Wiritng in North Wales. My last name is Jones, but sadly that's as welsh as I'm gonna get...I'm a southern girl from North Carolina. 

This is my bestie Ellie. She is British. But more on the English side. We are typical college students, eating when we can, what we can and as cheaply as we can. Needless to say...we're not exactly the most healthy bunch out there with vending machines in the libraries and 3 am study sessions.

But, we're kind of tired of all that. We've both got a gluten intolerance and not the best of metabolisms. So along with the dreary weather, constant rain and wind that goes on here in the United Kingdom, its almost an excuse to stay inside sitting all day. 

But the all day studying on the couch with 5 episodes of Friends is getting old. So we're trying this Paleo thing. Being lethargic and lazy all day is for these young students. So we are stepping up and getting into the gym! This may be our last semester, and we may have dissertations and the future to plan for, but our health is just as important.


We've made a vlog about our experience! Check it out below! 

The Frouple Youtube: Paleo Diet Day 1