I was scrolling through Instagram like I usually do every morning and thinking today was going to be just like any other day. I follow many success stories on Insta in hopes to have my own one day and that is how I come across this challenge.I found the link, watched the video, and then kept thinking about if I could do it or not. I said no to myself and continued on with my day.

Everything I did following kept brining me back to Diet Bet. So finally I showed it to my sister, had her watch the video, and got her opinion of it. She thought it was a good idea and that encouragment really pushed me to sign up. I kept asking myself, why not today? Why wait for the next one or why keep putting off something that is so important to my lifestyle?

So yes, today I signed up and yes I am willing to put in the work to meet my goal. I want to do this for me first, but I would love to help others with my story and also use this to encourge me on my journey.

I just recently turned 20 and this milestone in my life was bittersweet. To look back at how I came to be 20, nothing to be extremely proud of jumps out to me. I want to do everything and try anything, but never really get up to go for it. It is time I believe in myself; time I actually try.

I would appreciate the support to reach my goal. It is not every day that I put in the effort to be the person I want to be. But here I am, along with all of you, trying to be the best I can be.