As my luck would have it, two days before the weigh in I came down with some sort of stomach bug and lost a few pounds. So my starting weight was much lower than it could have been, which means that I have to lose the weight from that one. And when you lose weight from stomach bugs, it tends to come back on right away. I did weigh myself a couple of days ago and had lost two pounds from that (I really don't know how that happened) so I might be okay? I haven't since though, but I think I will tomorrow.

Truth is, I'm a little scared.I want to lose weight so badly, mostly to prove to myself that I can actually do this. With the exception of a gluten free cookie on Monday, I've been eating clean and eating less, so I hope that good things will be happening soon! I oscillate between thinking that I can do this no problem, and then going through intense carb cravings where I think no, I definitely can not. However, I've decided to add an incentive to help make this easier: if I make it I will treat myself to some clothing from Blogilates! I've never bought any before (even though I've always wanted to) and I think that will be another helpful little reminder for me to KEEP GOING. And the money. I want my $30 back!

I have been feeling pretty good though. Other than a poor nights' sleep last night due to some noisy neighbors, I'm sleeping well and even though I'm eating less and exercising more, I still have plenty of energy to go through my day because I'm eating right. Hopefully I can keep this up. I've got a good support system around me, and I'm just going to have to focus on my mental stamina. Only 23 days left! It's so short, yet so long at the same time. 

Good luck to all!