I have been on this journey now for 2 months and a couple of weeks.  In actuallity I have been on it for a chunk of my life.  This time feels different.  I am concentrating less and less on my weight loss and more on being healthy.  I am defining healthy as exercising 5 times a week and following a low carb diet.  My main focus has been on keeping my blood sugar levels in the appropriate range.  The other day I went for a 7 mile run and it was overwhelmingly hot outside.  I saw this trail and I reflected in the moment about the possibilities that exist each day, but often are overlooked.  This train presented the opportunity to be explored and travelled.  As I approach the end of the second month of the transformer my mind is in a positive place.  I am not focusing on worry over how much I am losing and I have pushed past frustrating moments where I have not seen much change over the course of several weeks.  Instead I have listened to my internal motivation which says I am getting stronger in my bootcamp classes, I am running longer distances, and becoming more confident in who I am.  The weight will fall off over time and there is NEVER a quick fix.