Clean eating that is. My apartment is another story for another type of forum.

I've had some horendous burning pain and swelling in my feet off and on for years. It isn't from neuropathy and it isn't from arthritis. I had a workup done by my local doctor and a specialist and they found nothing. I don't know exactly how it happened, but a month or so ago I figured out the pain in my feet was related to how much sodium/salt I injested. Not one time during the workup did anyone ask me any questions about my diet. I've started reading food lables even more than I was before. I've come to the conclusion the only way I can stay under 1500 mg, my feel good level, of sodium a day is by going (mostly) clean. I don't know why, but it wasn't until recently when I discovered salt really is an adictive substance.

The food in my home is healthy by today's food standards but definetly not low sodium.  So my task is to go through my cupboards and fill up a bag or two and take it to the food shelf. I went to Trader Joe's this week, which was an extra special treat because the closest one is 80 miles away. I found low sodium creamy tomato soup, low sodium canned beans (for those times I don't have time to cook my own) and some super yummy very low sodium crispy black bean snack called Inner Bean. I also bought several pounds of raw almonds which I plan to roast in my oven with my own seasonings, think ranch or taco seasoned almonds!

I am the only human in my home so going clean won't present as many problems for me as those with multi-human households. I have 2 kitties and I have them on a no grain and no byproducts food. Why shouldn't their human be eating as high of quality of food?

Any ideas on how to make the transition easier are very much welcomed.