I am currently grieving the loss of  very dear friend, Chad. He was one of my husband closest friend. Chad had a way about him that when you talk to him,  He really made you think about stuff.  He was so witty and had a great sense of hurmor.     As I am grieving and remembering him this morning, I was reading over his fb page and sparkpeople profile. I pulled this quote from off his comment section of one of his blogs(written back in 2010). These following words will forever inspire me to not put things off that could be done today. 

"Tomorrow never comes and yesterday doesn't exist, but today is the day that the Lord has made, so rejoice and be glad in it. Today is the only time we have to do things or to put things off or to change or to stagnate. Every moment is our moment to act and if it never goes from thought to action, then we will still be the reflection of our actions, even if we have better thoughts/intentions."

"I hope your journey brings you many days of 'now' and fewer days of 'maybe later'.-chad-"