Three weeks ago I started doing a Couch2 5k program.  I could barely run 15 seconds straight without feeling short of breath.  Today i went for my 6 mile run/walk workout and something amazing happened around the last lap of mile 5.  I felt powerful, full of energy, so i convinced myself that my last lap i would run 1 lap and walk the next one.  When i started running, then it hit me like bag of bricks, my legs felt light.  I felt amazing, i wasn't short of breath or anything else.  Since I felt so good i decided to continue on and add another mile.  So instead of completing 6 miles, i did 7.  Tomorrow my goal will be to do the entire 6 miles, alternating running/walking, so i should be able to cut into my time and increase my calorie burn.  I can't wait!!! If I can do it, so CAN you!!!