I'm about 2 months into me current weight loss journey, and down about 20 lbs. 

I joined a dietbet in January and it really helped me kick my butt into gear. I started planning my meals, sticking to them, getting out and moving a bit and I lost about 16 lbs! I had joined another one half way through the first, and it helped keep me steady for the next couple weeks after the first one ended, I truly made better choices with the dietbet goal in the back of my head. 

Since those dietbets have ended, my weightloss has slowed down, I indulge a little more than I plan to. I've hit a little rut the last couple of weeks. That's okay, I'm not discouraged, but it's time to ramp it up a little bit. My Mexico vacation is booked for April 11, and I'd like to maximize my results before I go. Dietbet #3 - I'm ready for you! Time to plan, stick to it, get more active, and melt this fat away! 

Good luck to everyone joining this round!