I've had a great diet week.  For my other dietbet I've had a little over a 2 pound loss.  I've watched my food intake, avoided the temptations, overall been a good girl.

My first thought after I weighed in this morning? I did great! I deserve a treat! Hmmm. . . what do I want to EAT!!!

Isn't that the problem? We gain weight because we are eating more than we are burning?  All those little treats taste so darn good.  That's what they are, treats.  

But the goal is eating the things we should, so we can become healthier.  Moving more to keep the body fit.

So how do you change your mentality?  How can you change your mind set? 

I've heard people say: everything in moderation.

Let your weight loss be the reward!

The new energy levels you feel? that's the reward!

But my first thought is still: I can eat something fun!! And by fun, I mean, something with too many calories.  A little bit of excess.  Ok, a lot of excess.  Maybe not a full out binge, but definately more than I'm burning.

It's just something I've noticed about me.  Now It's time to work on it.