For those of you who don't know about the "Bikini Body Training Guide" by Kayla Itsines, you need to get your butt on instagram. It's a complete 12 week workout regime that includes Resistance Training, LISS and HIIT Workouts. I'm so excited that I literally had the whole Ebook printed out! I've had this workout plan for a while, but I fell off it. It's absoluely NOT a walk in the park. It forces you you to compete with yourselves, with different workouts each week, but the so called "Death by Kayla" routine has shown phenominal results.

While I also have the Nutrition guide, I will not be following it. Now don't get me wrong, the guide is amazing, but since I already have an idea of eating healthy, especially being vegan, intricate meal plans don't impress me anymore. The recipes look delicious, but I'm trying to make things as simple and easy as possible. 6 Weeks until my boyfriend returns to base from his overseas deployment, and we made a bet to see who could get leaner in our time apart. I plan on engaging in as many "2 a day" workouts as possible, with my second workouts mainly being walking or jogging on the tredmil. I had printed everything out because I wanted to take it to the gym with me so no excuses would be made. Time to move back into the gym and carry my fridge around! LETS DO THIS.