I have been on this diet game for years. I am not overweight, but I am not happy with where I am. As a teen ager, I had a serious body complex. No matter how small I was, my friends were thinner. I went through anorexia, exercise anorexia and attempted bullimia. 

Now I am am adult. I know better. I have been through 5 healthy pregnancies and successfully lost most of the weight, in time, from  all 5. After my 5th, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My focus though, good or bad, was to get through my surgeries and radiation so I could start running again, so I could lose the weight from the 5th pregnancy. It helped give me a focus but I question the wellness of my mind that that was what I was focused on.

Four years later,cancer free, with five healthy children, I am still trying to lose those last 10 lbs. I recently went throuh another round of surgeries which required me to not exercise for 12 weeks. For once, I was grateful, grateful for the break at having to worry about exercising and losing weight. And I realized that my mind was finally in the right place, I was focusing on my health and getting stronger.

My goals have changed somewhat. I still love to run and I still want to lose the weigt. More importantly, I want to be healthy in mind and body. I hope this diet bet will help me to slowly lose the weight so that it will stay off as I embrace a proper way of eating, not starving, not overexercising, because ultimately those methods make me feel worse and eventually fail.


Here is to a healthier lifestyle!