It seems like only yesterday when I had so much energy and ambition to be healthy. I was motivated to workout nearly everyday. I was thin and muscular. I could run! I stuck to eating healthy foods and correct portion sizes. I let myself have an occasional treat so I did not feel deprived.

Now, I am 20+ pound heavier. I had lost my motivation somewhere along the way. I have let my eating habits fall back to the way they used to be before I was healthy. I did not exercise like I did when I was healthy. And now, it's hard to get back to the routine I used to have. I did this to myself. I have no excuse. The only way to fix what I have done is to start over. 

I have started getting my motivation back! It's still too early to know if it will stick, but I feel good about getting my body moving and eating healthy again. I watched a video of myself from 2 years ago where I talked about motivation and exercise and healthy habits. I learned a bit from that video of me talking! I needed to hear those words I said 2 years ago! It has sent me into a fitness frenzy and I hope I don't stop!! I am doing a 5k on my treadmill 2-3 days a week, I am doing Zumba every other week for 2 days, I am doing light workouts throughout the week also! I have stocked my refridgerator with healthy veggies and fruits and stocked up on chicken! I am taking things slow for right now but I think things are going to go full force soon! I want my healthy body back!!

I hope that I gain some more motivation by joining the DietBet game that I'm in. I'm so excited for it to start! Here's to getting my health back and finding motivation!! :)