Oh hai, I'm new here.  Some how stumbled upon this place through someone's blog post and decided I was going to give it a try.  

I am an AMA mom (if you don't know, that means "Advanced Maternal Age!" lol) but I don't feel old and my almost 2 year old son keeps me young at heart!  I'm also single, so he and I are doing our best to get by and be as happy as possible.  We do pretty well.

The biggest thing I struggle with right now is making time to take care of myself.  I spend so much time and energy taking care of him, working full-time, etc. that it leaves very little time for looking after myself. And things are getting bad for me... 

There was something I learned in therapy recently that has opened my eyes big time: when you are on an airplane and they are explaining the emergency procedures they tell you if the air masks drop, put one on yourself FIRST before trying to help anyone else.  Why?  Because if you can't breath, you won't be ABLE to help anyone else!  

So I've started to try and give myself some much needed attention, because if I don't take better care of myself, I'm not going to be able to take better care of my son!

Anyway, here I am!