Getting back on the horse is HARD!!  I worked my butt off last year, and lost 48 pounds total, and was feeling incredible, and finally getting comfortable in my own skin.  Some stress hit, life got busy, and as usual, the first thing to go was my own self care.  Here we are, one year later, and I have gained back 25 pounds, and it STINKS!!

Today is my 31st birthday, and I have decided that I really want and need to start making myself a priority again.  Somewhere in the chaos of self-employment, marriage, parenting, friendships and everything else going on in my life, I need to carve out the much needed time for me!  Starting now... I want to get back under 200, I want to be a great example to my daughter, and most of all, I want to feel good in my skin, and gain back my confidence!

I ate crappy food today, I didn't do my workouts, but here I am at 8:48pm on my birthday pledging to get back in the game!  I can do this, and I WILL do this!!