So my battle may be a little bit different than some.  I completed by first full marathon in November of 2012.  My weight was about 12 pounds less than what I am now which isn't a bad weight for me but NOT my goal weight.  After my marathon & all of that training, in my mind, I "deserved" to eat and slowly gained another 20+ lbs.  So here I am again, losing the same weight I've lost a dozen or more times.


The folks I work with comment all the time that I should be able to eat what I want with all the calories I'm burning.  But it just doesn't work like that, even for me and I'm currently training for an ultra marathon (31 miles).  If I do a long run when I'm training and then I have this ridiculous mind set that I can "treat" myself, it's completely counterproductive.  If I burn 1,000 calories in a workout and then I eat 2 Krispy Kreme donuts & then eat Wings & Things @ Zaxby's for lunch w/ ranch & sauce, I've eat 1,980 calories.  I've just COMPLETELY done away with my run plus a lot more.  And then that usually turns into, "well, you've eaten all that, what does more hurt?"  Insanity!  LOL


I say all that to say that we're all fighting a battle or we wouldn't be here.  Mine is 100% my eating and my way of viewing things.  I LOVE working out and don't feel like I've accomplished anything if I'm not literally dripping wet when I finish.  It's a battle I fight EVERY SINGLE DAY.  I don't want to keep losing the same 20-30 lbs over & over.  This time it comes off FOR GOOD.



46.9 yrs old

5 kids, ages 23 - 3 1/2