Ive been on this health journey for a few years now. Ive been a pretty healthy eater (80% of the time following a high protein/paleo lifestyle) for approximately 3 years. My friends introduced me to my first Whole 30 experience, which definitely changed my views on food. While doing a Whole 30 + exercising 6 days a week, I got down to 135 for my wedding. My heaviest this past year was 149 and I never want to see that number again! I was recently down to 138 but after a week at the beach with bottomless drinks and non-clean foods, I am back up past 145. Im here for YOU to keep me accountable. For us to cheer each other on! I need to work on a few things:  when making 'unhealthy decisions' dont fall COMPLETELY off the bandwagon. For ex. learn that its ok to have a few beers without the pizza afterward. Its ok to indulge and have sushi delivered but I dont need sushi and a pint of ice cream. I need to learn proper portions. I need to not beat myself up after 'falling off the bandwagon.' I need balance.* 

I am a big believer in Bikram yoga-and am hoping that with another couple months of consistent clean eats + bikram, that I'll be back down to my goal weight--135. Id love to hit 130 but ive never even seen that #...maybe in 7th grade? We are trying to have a baby and I want to be the fittest, happiest, healthiest me when that happens. 


Lets do this!