In 2013, after failing to get pregnant due to my excessive weight gain I decided it was time to get serious about losing weight. From 2013 - 2014 I lost over sixty pounds. I was five pounds away from my goal weight and found out I was pregnant with my daughter Molly.

Some time into my pregnancy I decided I did not want to focus on the scale anymore or what I was eating, I wanted to enjoy my pregnancy not worrying about numbers. I sucessfully dodged looking at the scale my entire pregnancy, I told the doctors office not to tell me the numbers. I gained 59 pounds during my pregnancy. Since my daughter was born on January 29, 2015  I have lost more than half of what I gained, but now it's time to get serious about losing the rest plus some by my goal of June. 

Today i've decided that joining DietBet is that little bit of extra motivation I need to stay on track. I'm hoping as the weather warms up, that I find myself shedding the pounds so I can enjoy the summer months not hiding under baggy clothes & feel healthier as I chase my three kids around. :)