This challenge came at just the right time. I recently severely sprained my ankle and broke a bone in my foot. I am a runner and work a physically demanding job, this was a devastating setback. I was couch bound and fell into a bit of a depression after learning that it will take around six months for me to fully heal and there will be absolutely no running for a while after that. I am an active person and live in a very active community. Living vicariously through other people's postings on Facebook is not conducive to a mentally healthy life for me. I told myself, this mornng, to quit feeling sorry for myself and get my butt "back in the saddle" on the stationary bike. It was exhilarating to feel the sweat drip and feel my heart pound back to life. Then I saw this post from Jen and knew that was just the thrill of the chase that I needed. I want to prove to myself that I have what it takes, injury aside, to still beat the demon of complacency!