Hello all, 

I am trying to address every issue with my weight loss and a big one for me is that I need to get more sleep! 

I am an airline pilot who bounces between 2-3 time zones each week. I work long days that sometime begin as early as 3am and the next week I could be working past midnight. This makes it difficult to program my body for any kind of regular sleep schedule. (Maybe some of you in the medical field work similarly varied schedules?) My job presents a lot of obstacles to overcome in the name of health. But, I feel like I'm doing pretty well with packing my food, fitting in excercise and keeping hydrated. (Yay!) 

But, I have a very hard time getting enough restful sleep! When I'm really racking up the sleep debt, I feel it all over my body, my workouts really suffer, and my weight loss stalls out. :( I am unable to take any sleep aid medications due to medical requirements for my job. And, I'm hesitant to take melatonin supplements because I have heard that it can interfere with the body's natural ability to produce melatonin. I have tried drinking teas, using lavender essential oils, cooling down the room, avoiding TV and other screens close to bedtime, making sure the room is dark, etc. But, I'm looking for help with any other natural remedies or practices to help me sleep better. After all, allowing the body to recover is a big part of the weight loss equation! 

Friends, do any of you have tips for me?! 

Thanks for the help! 
