Good morning 

As I gear up and prepare for next weeks challenge to begin I also have to prepare myself mentally.  Through all my years of losing weight and then gaining it back the mental part of the process is the toughest.  I enjoy working out and love to eat healthy but once I'm put in a situation with temptation I cave every time and that causes me to spin out of control.  

For example I started my weight loss journey back in January of this year to prepare for our vacation to Aruba in April.  I had lost 30 lbs in 3 months and was feeling and looking amazing.  As soon I got back I injured my left knee running and have been out for 8 weeks, plus I feel back into the my old ways cause I didn't have a goal or purpose.  I have gained back about 8 lbs.  Dealing with my knee injury has really made things difficult for me.  I worked out here and there but my eating was horrible.  Yesterday I saw my knee speciallist, after getting the fluid extracted from my knee and then having them put a cortisone shot in it and send me to physical Theraphy for 6 weeks I finally got the green light yesterday to go back into full training mode.  That was the best news I had gotten in weeks.  Although I'm not 100% back to normal I'm pretty close and I'm going to take advantage of it.

Moving into next week I'm going to really push my mental ability to stay focused and remember what my goals are.  I'm making my list of goals for the next month to keep me on track.

Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend!