Transformations can be scary, extreme, difficult, and hard to follow . We get use to our daily routine of our once was once we use to be bad habbits. Not any more :) Now that YOU have turned form  caterpillar to wings you are ready to balance flight :) Balance the Beautiful that is in you , the courageous, fighter that knows exacty what direction you are taking and keep the path. You are in control because you have taken the steps to move forward and become who you are today..  Affirmations are wonderful to keep by your bed side , as you wake up in the morning most people reach for their phone , Id like you to reach for an affirmation these are cards that you can buy at your local book store or online with such a positive outlook and motivation to get you wake up refreshed in the morning and as you get up you KNOW what kind of day its going to be ! Its going to be a beautiful day you are ready to get in that gym , or work out room at home, yoga , pilaties, piyo, where ever your heart desires honey ! MIND BODY SPIRIT is the balance in YOU:) After loosing the weight keeping it off is a real struggle . Just remember what you did to loose it. Clean eating , always keep veggie snacks around the house. Portion control , 30 min of cardio 3 or more times a week adds so much to your weightloss . It helps mental release any stress ,  relieves anxiety and is so good for your body. After working out try going to a sauna listen to calming music , I listen to Enya or enigma. This is great for spirit releasing all tention , muscle relaxation. Now you have balanced all the beautiful in you :)