It's one thing to have a plan for things to go a certain way, but entirely another to have the day play out. 

We celebrated a few things yesterday (Easter being one of them). My plan was to: 

  • start with a healthy/normal breakfast
  • limit the sugar on snow (see photo)
  • not have birthday cake (specifically asked hosts not to serve one. I'm a bossy house guest that way)
  • exercise


As it turns out, the day went a different direction. Because I opted not to have a birthday cake, my brother-in-law made some yummy protein pancakes. However, there was just enough sugar to start the sugar cravings for the rest of the day.

And then, sugar on snow. If you haven't had it fresh from a real sugar camp, the best way I can describe it is heaven in your mouth. I haven't had the real deal in over 10 years, so just one taste unleashed the beast, and soon I felt like I had swallowed the entire sugar camp. Just when I felt like I couldn't eat another thing, my very thoughtful aunt told me she had a birthday surprise.

She had made me a brownie based cadbury cheesecake. It was topped with Creme Eggs and Mini Eggs. And it was delicious. I had a small piece at the event and then was sent home with a huge piece. Oh the temptation. Luckily, my niece has already declared that I will be sharing this with her. Being that she is not my child, I'm ok with pumping her full of sugar (well, not really). 

I got back to the house and all I wanted to do was sleep. But before I sat down, I declared that I was walking the dog. I headed out for a short walk with the dog and the nephew. It was such a nice day, I extended the walk and enjoyed the fresh air. 

In the grand scheme of things, it was one day. Today is a new day. It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining. The house is quiet. And at the end of my shift, I will be heading out to get some steps.