I love food.

I have spent the past 8 years of my life working as a professional in the Food/Hospitality industry in San Francisco, California, USA.

San Francisco prides itself on being a "foodie" city. And I was right in the middle of this "foodie" world, working at some of the most popular, trendy spots in SF. My specialty is Pastry. I have been a Baker, Head Baker/Bakery Manager, Pastry Cook, and Pastry Sous Chef in these 8 years. I have suffered physically, mentally and emotionally in the name of, and in love for my profession.

For the first 6 years of my professional baking career, I was waking up at 2:30AM- 3:00AM and starting work at 4:00AM – 5:00AM. I often preferred the earlier times, because it allotted me time to get everything set up just so, work by myself for a bit longer, and it insured that everything would be out in time to be set up in the case, ready to be ogled and devoured by the regular pastry lovers of San Francisco.

If you aren’t familiar with waking at these hours, stumbling straight from your bed onto a bicycle or bus, and immediately jamming into what will most likely be a non-stop 10 hour work day, then you might not understand just how exhausting it is.

Sleep is not a priority for an early morning baker. Not in the slightest.

Because though your day starts early, you get home hopefully around 1:00PM – 2:30PM, but more often than not- around 3:00PM – 4:00PM… and then you shove some/ANY food in your face (finally, because you don’t really eat in a kitchen, you just snack… on brownies and sprinkle cookies usually), and you watch some movie or TV with your feet not touching the ground because you have literally been on them ALL DAY, and then you pass out around 7:00PM – 8:00PM (hopefully).


You are literally forcing your body to wake up in the hours when you are supposed to get the most restorative sleep, the most helpful/healthful sleep. Scientific studies have proven this. So imagine what 6 years of this sleep cycle does for your mental health. Your emotional health. Ultimately- your physical health.

Because one more thing to think about- just standing and moving constantly does not a “work-out” make. In fact, when your body is stressed and making repetitive movements in a stressful environment, it actually has adverse affects on your health. A physically demanding job is not a job that means you are “working-out” and getting paid. Quite the opposite. You are moving, and getting too tired to move for the rest of your day…. So working out, or doing anything physical after your physically demanding job, slowly disappears from your life.

I don’t know a single restaurant/food/hospitality worker who has a regular work-out routine. I know some people who run on occasion, or attend yoga classes once in a while. But your physical health is just not priority in a kitchen. It is not an atmosphere that rewards those who make their physical, mental and emotional health a priority in their lives.

Realizing this was the case for myself, I quit my job recently.

I am in the midst of a career transition- no job in sight.

And I have not been this happy and excited for myself in quite some time. Putting me first, and knowing what environment I was not willing to put myself in anymore… is quite simply- priceless. And empowering.

We each have our stories of how we found our way here, on the internet, seeking motivation from strangers, or friends joining together to cheer one another along. How interesting that we have found one another this way. I wish nothing but the best for each of you. No matter our outcome, we should all be proud that we reached out in this way. It is bold, it is thrilling, it is something to be proud of. I am proud to be part of this community, and part of any “DietBet”. I bet we all make it. And I bet we keep making it, bet or not.