Hi, my name is Kristy and I am a 38 year old mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, leader and coach.  Looking at that long list of identities it is kind of easy to see how my true self has gotten lost over the years.  It has been a long journey, that is still in progress, to get in touch with my authentic self.  Some of the things I have been asking myself are:

- What really makes me happy?

- Why do I think God created me and what are his plans for my life?

- How can I best honour my body?

- How do I want to put myself out there in this world?

- What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?

These may not seem like tough questions to answer but when I attempt to answer them stripped down, not based on what I think others want of me, what I fear people's perceptions may be, it becomes very challenging.  

Here are some things I know for sure about myself:

- I value relationships in a BIG way.

- One of my purposes is to teach others.  This is not in an egotistical ways but rather in based on all of my imperfections and mistakes.  This is why I put myself out there on Facebook and through my blog.  If there is something I've done that even one person finds of value it is worth it to me. 

- I need to start taking better care of myself and this is my time to finally do it!  I need to do this to get in touch of my authentic self, to honour the body God gifted me, and to set a healthy example to my children.  

Thank-you all so much for taking this journey with me and I so look forward to your feedback and support!

Much love,