Probably the vast majority of my readers are too young to remember Paladin, the gun for hire in an old TV Western. His sales pitch was "Have gun, will travel." Every time I have prepared for a trip this year, it seems I have had a weigh-in due, so I have become all too familiar with the "have scales, will travel" lifestyle -- packing up our family's scale and carrying it with me.

Whether it's because I'm a tiny bit superstitious, or just because a part of me only trusts the scale from home, I have monitored my Dietbet weigh-ins with my old faithful scale in hotel rooms, my daughter's home, and during visits with friends. (By the way, hotel lighting does not always make for the best progress photos. :D ) 

Why is this worth a blog post? Because it is one more excuse I have voided from the long list of excuses that I used in the past for not being able to lose weight: "Oh, I'm traveling. I might as well give up. There's no way I can lose weight when I have no idea how my food is prepared," or "...when I'm dining in restaurants that have selections I may never get to try again," or similar LIES that I told myself. No, I can't be that hard on myself. I actually believed them at the time. But the funny thing is, when I had a weigh-in coming, and I knew my scale was waiting, I was able to lose weight wherever I found myself. And you can believe I ate well too; I was simply a LOT more conscious of serving sizes and food preparation.

So, I'm headed off to spend this weekend with a friend and do a half marathon. And my scale is looking forward to the trip. :)