IT'S FRIDAY!!! Are  you ready? I'm not sure I am... Weekends are the hardest for me. Coworkers want to hit happy hour, dad wants to grab lunch and a beer... or two. I try to work at least 2 beers in as my "cheat" but this week has been tough. I went to lunch with a friends and we ended up getting Chinese - not horrible, except I was also there to pick up girl scout cookies. I did a lot of walking, weight training and eating healthier meals around my "weight loss sins". I know this won't always be the case seeing as you can't out train a bad diet, but through all the set backs I had this week I still kept my head up high and managed to lose 2lbs (fluctuating between 2 and 3)! 

I wanted to throw my week out there for two reasons. 1. It is accountability. I am being accountable to my fellow diet betters, and to myself, saying look it - here is the reality of this week - you ATE HORRIBLE but you didn't give up! and 2. In my recent post, I talked about making each day a new day, getting up and recommiting to your journey. This week I had to do that on a meal by meal, hour by hour basis. I had to tell myself - yeah you just ate that heaping plateful of chinese and loved every bite - but you WILL NOT stop and get that pizza for dinner - you WILL eat your vegitables and you will still go for a 2 mile walk after work. DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! There are SO MANY temptations and you will give in sometimes - it is not the end of your journey. 

This weekend I am going to stay active. Weekends are also when my step count goes to hardly anything - but I want to change that. Get out of bed! Go for a walk (Ok maybe not, it's freezing out). Hit up some cardio drumming Saturday morning! 

I am also super excited to meal prep on Sunday! I found two new recipes that I am excited to try! One is for a cheese, roasted redpeper, spinach stuffed chicken breast dipped in marinara - YUMMY!

Alright, I am done rambling - back to work. Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday!