I consider myself very lucky that I've been able to lose weight fairly easily.  This is my 7th dietbet and I've won them all and am more than on track to win this one as well.  I don't have lots of food cravings, so limiting my calories isn't difficult and I've been able to succeed with only adding in small doses of exercise, walking mainly and now riding a stationary bike our neighbors gave us. 

The problem comes in maintenance.  If I'm being honest, I'm just lazy.  Sitting on the couch after putting the little one down to bed instead of a quick 30 minutes on the bike (still in front of the tv I might add), ordering pizza once a week, frozen convenience foods, they always win out.  Too often that glass of wine with dinner will turn into two or three and the calories add up and the scale creeps back up without me even noticing. 

I'm successful with dietbet because it gives me a goal and a finite amount of time to accomplish it. I can reason with myself that I can sustain these behaviors because I "only" need to do it for a few weeks. But I struggle with motivation once the bet is over.  I want to make healthy, sustainable changes so I'm not constantly dropping the same 10lbs. 

How do you get off the yo-yo?  What inspires you to sustain the changes?