I've been thinking a lot about how my success for losing weight is tied to how strongly I am able to adopt and incorporate healthy changes into my everyday life.  A year ago I would have needed a pack of wild dogs chasing me to even consider running, but here I am training for my sixth 5K!  Now, don't get me wrong I don't love running, but I like how it makes me feel and I do love the results I see.  After looking back on the past year I see how important it is to make lifestyle changes livable. 

What I mean with a livable change, is a sustainable change, can you continue to keep doing it in your everyday life.  Running for me, required me not to just keep motivated but I needed my husband's help to make sure he could do school drop-offs so I could keep my running schedule.  This change wasn't just mine but effected my whole household and we all benefited.  My son and husband got one-on-one time in the mornings and I got to get my run on; I got to hear funny stories about what does and doesn't go with oatmeal while they got to see me with more energy to have fun when we are all together.

I've had some changes that haven't been so successful, (like keeping potato chips and ice cream out of my house) however I try to be specific with my goal and know when I need to ask for others to help me out. As awesome as my husband is, he is no mind reader and I can't expect him to know what I need him to do to help me make my lifestyle change work for me and our household. I also don't beat myself up over not getting it right the first time, sometimes it takes trying and failing to learn what will or won't work.

As I move forward on this Transformation in the next six months here is my list of changes I'm working to make livable.


  • Finish all workouts
  • Drink more water
  • Have FUN
  • Try something new


What's on your list?