In my life, along with i'm sure every single person around the world - I find it diffucult at times to feel like I have enough "Me Time". I go to a university full-time and am grateful to be able to work from home for the most part - but it is still tough. I would always find myself beginning to slack on my yoga practice, and instead, going to the couch to watch Netflix. I would then always feel guilty - like I wasn't doing something that I should be. Like I was lazy. And that would spiral me down into negative feelings...

I recently realized though, that we all have different things that relax us. For me, watching a few episodes of Friends or Parks and Rec relaxes me at the end of a day. Some people like to read books, (which I do too, but more in the summertime outside), and some like to knit, sew, etc. Because I have always remembered television in general being associated with negative energy, I was really always feeling guilty when I wanted to watch something. So I'm happy that I have now gotten past that - accepting that everyone has their own hobbies they enjoy - and I am now not being so hard on mysef.

Starting tomorrow, I will be practicing yoga or meditating every day - even if it's just stretching on some days - and I will also be unwinding at night with a movie or series if I see fit. Along with waking up enjoying a breakfast smoothie - with healthy snacks and meals throughout the day and plenty of veggies and water - which I probably don't consume enough of - and following Mandy's Yogalosophy book. I urge anyone reading this to do whatever you see fit for yourself during the day. Whatever will make you truly happy. Whatever will help you get that "Me Time."

If you believe in yourself, anything can happen. 

