Treat yourself to a lovely morning OMELETTE packed with vegetables (recipe and nutrients down below)

For two portions you will need:
- 3 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites
- spices of your choice (I used coriander, cumin, pepper and paprika)
- 1 small green bell pepper
- 2 spring onions
- 50g spinach
- 80g cheese of your choice (mozzarella is best, I used 30% Eidam)

Whip eggs and egg whites with the spices just to mix them up. Add bell pepper diced into small pieces and thinly cut spring onion. Pour the mixture into the pan on low heat. After 3-5 minutes the omelette starts to set (becomes firm and lighter around the edges) - pile up the shredded cheese and roughly cut spinach on top and cover it with a lid. Let it cook until the spinach is half wilted. then fold it over to create a half moon. Transfer onto a plate and cut in half to get two portions. Garnish with a tomato and eat with a small slice of bread. (I eat rye bread since its probably the healthiest option).

Nutrients per portion (remember to count your bread as well):
- 267 kcal
- 27g protein
- 5g carbs
- 15g fats (depends on your cheese!)
- 1.5g fiber

